Nov 30, 2023Liked by Audrey Kalman from Read/Write, Birth Your Truest Story

We are on such parallel paths, Audrey. Your post is profoundly timely, helpful, and inspirational. Thank you. I've recently arrived at a decision to "carry on" despite the fact that my Reasons to Quit farrrrrrr outnumbered my Reasons to Persist. Onward we go . . . chutes, ladders, and more. All best.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Audrey Kalman from Read/Write, Birth Your Truest Story

So glad you are persisting, Martha! Cheering you on!

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Yes, cheering you!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Audrey Kalman from Read/Write, Birth Your Truest Story

Oh, dear Audrey, I feel your pain, such a huge revision must feel daunting, nearly impossible, and yet you're steadfast in holding onto your grit, determination, and the wisdom to understand that every ending has a new beginning. Maybe you could, take a deep breath, perhaps a siesta from your efforting, and look to the Winter Solstice, the return of the Light as a sign that all is a cycle, darkness to light, light to darkness, and back again. You've got this, I admire your resilience and (sometime dark) humor!

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Cycles, indeed. Taking a siesta, a breath, a pause is such wise advice but hard to heed when the story seems to be calling me so loudly!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Audrey Kalman from Read/Write, Birth Your Truest Story

oh my dear Audrey..you are suffering!! a ton!! I bow to your good humor and resilience...really wonderful. I am a student of Jennifer's...we go around different spirals together..she won't even let me think about a form yet...and still, I keep writing. She is awesome and smart and wise and knows exactly how to handle me. So, trudge, trudge...and the joy of the language, the sentences that give me shivers...keep at it!! keep going! You encourage me to speak of the process, for surely, this is so real...

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So good to hear from you! Thanks for your support!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Audrey Kalman from Read/Write

I empathize so deeply with this! But it sounds like you're on the right path. In fact, from reading your current WIP, I *know* you are.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence. It means a LOT coming from you.

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